The Toon Hammer website is now live and accepting pre-orders. So if you know anyone who missed out on the Gobblin' Goblins campaign you can point them in the direction of the link below. Please note this is just for the UK and some European countries at this point.
Gobblin' Goblins pre-orders:

Toon Hammer
The Toon Hammer website will be the go to place for more board games from the creators of Gobblin' Goblins. Keep an eye on the site or follow any of the social media accounts if you're interested in staying up to date with future projects. Or if you just like silly webcomics, like this romantic tale here:

Toon Hammer website:

Never fear! This website will continue to have all goblin based slimy updates. Nom.

The Geek Spiel - Tablecrashers
Recently the goblins appeared on the Geek Spiel's Tablecrashers! I talked about our little green friends before demoing the game with some lovely folks on Tabletop Simulator. You can see the video replay of the Twitch stream here:

MOAR Kickstarters
There's a few Kickstarters being run by folks who were very supportive of the Gobblin' Goblins campaign, so I'd appreciate anyone giving them a look and perhaps a pledge! Here's some brief info on each plus links to the campaigns:

Quirk! Legends
A rediculously silly card game of Good versus Evil! A bit like charades mixed with go fish with a whole bunch of strategy thrown in! Contains unicorns.

Roil: The Strategy Card Game
A family friendly strategy card game for 2-4 players. Using a combination of strategy and luck, you build a court to support your house’s rise to power.

Animal Ailments - The Wild Miming Game!
Act out ridiculous Animal Ailment combinations in order to win cards and accumulate points. Loved by kids and adults alike, it offers everything a party game should: creativity, competition and just outright silliness!

That's All For Now!
Chinese New Year has ended so goblins should be starting to come out the conveyor belt. Hopefully the next update will be to tell you that manufacturing is complete and copies are sailing over to the UK for distribution. Fingers crossed that will be in the next couple of weeks.

P.S. If you prefer to absorb content through the medium of video, here's most of what was said here in video and audio form in our new Blah Blah Blah series!