About Us

Angela 'Spanjj' Dickens

Angela 'Spanjj' Dickens

Spanjj is the creator of the game and runs all of our social media, so if you're chatting to us, you're really chatting to her, be nice or she'll name a really grotty goblin after you. Spanjj made this website you're looking at, she digitises and designs all of the artwork and keeps us all motivated. She does not make a great cup of tea though (because it will be a coffee, even if you've asked for tea).


  • GAMES! Tabletop, card, video, sports, games, games, games
  • Lemon Cake
  • Newcastle United


  • Balloons
  • Fireworks
  • Things that explode in general

When she's not being a goblin she...

  • Makes websites on the interweb
Dan 'Crunch' Prowse

Dan 'Crunch' Prowse

Crunch is the artist, responsible for all of the grim drawings of toenails and scabs. It may or may not be a dark place inside his mind, it's probably fine, ssshhhh... His pencil-hand is the team's most powerful weapon. We refuse to use it wisely!


  • Rusty Hammers (West Ham)
  • Cocktail Sausages


  • Brocolli (stupid vegetables)

When he's not being a goblin he...

  • Dwells in the shadows
Mandy 'Mandy' Browne

Mandy 'Mandy' Browne

Mandy is chief of handling the boring things like quotes and budgets and blah blah blah. But she did do the colouring in on one of our prototypes once and she did a really good job.



  • Polystyrene (squeeeeee)

When she's not being a goblin she...

  • Also makes websites on the interweb (what a copy cat)

Goblins, prepare to gobble!

The 'Orrible Eat-A-Thon card game is now available on Amazon

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